Ladies League

The Spooner Ladies Golf League welcomes golfers of all skill levels to join the upcoming season. The league promotes friendship and camaraderie and is a great way to enjoy the game of golf. League members may choose to play 9 or 18 holes, with no requirement to play every week. A brief summary of league information follows:
- The 2024 League begins May 14th
- Play on Tuesdays mid-May to mid-September
- Tee times start at 9:00 AM
- Sign up week by week – golf when you can make it
- All golfers and handicaps welcome – you do not have to be a Spooner Golf Club member to join the league
- The League completes weekly pairings/tee times and announces winners
- League fees of $50 support weekly prizes
- Enjoy a mix of individual, team and scramble events
- Food and beverage specials available after golf
- Opportunities to play in special events such as Guest Day, Interclub or league-sponsored activities
Enjoy the game of golf, meet new people, have FUN!
Please contact the Pro Shop for additional information on how you can join.